Lab42 is a global research institute in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) dedicated to revolutionising the understanding of intelligence and to develop human-like artificial intelligence for the benefit of humanity. The KI research institute is operated by the Swiss Mindfire Foundation which focuses on the development of Human-Level AI (HLAI). It’s initiative “Mindfire Mission-1” in Davos in 2018 was supported by participants from all over the world. In the following, the promising results and feedback led to the foundation of Lab42.

Lab42 concentrates on AI challenges that cannot yet be solved by existing algorithms. Human intelligence is being studied and decoded to develop a human-level AI. Contrary to known AIs, such an AI will also be able to think and reason abstractly resulting in an AI that is able to learn and thus understand and improve potentially unlimited topics. With virtual researchers being able to handle challenges such as information overload more easily, Lab42 expects human-like AI to solve many of today’s problems and thus to improve health and living conditions worldwide.

Lab42 is using a community approach to develop this AI. Global cooperation and collaboration are therefore the basis to develop human-like AI. A major part of the research lies in the development of algorithms for abstract thinking and reasoning according to the "Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus" (ARC) with the intention to make human intelligence understandable and measurable. 

Global challenges such as the ARCathon or Virtual World Essays are supporting this research process. In the first, the limits of current machine learning algorithms are explored, while in the second challenge virtual worlds are developed in which algorithms can progressively learn abstract concepts and test them autonomously.

Focus / specialisation
Human-Level Artificial Intelligence / Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Obere Strasse 22B
7270 Davos