Clinic Davos of Zürcher RehaZentren

The Davos clinic of Zürcher RehaZentren belongs to the leading international rehabilitation clinics. The exceptional mountain climate in Davos makes the clinic ideally situated for pulmonary rehabilitation. Additionally, the clinic focuses on internal, oncological, psychosomatic, and musculoskeletal rehabilitation.

The special microclimate is a natural source of strength for all patients. In the past years, the clinic has also made itself a name nationwide with its expertise in the areas of wound treatment and rehabilitation after liver transplants.

The Foundation Zürcher Rehazentren is operating the clinic Davos as a non-profit centre. As a leading expert in rehabilitation, the clinic aims to assist people in their recovery even after complex illnesses or accidents with a holistic focus on the recovery of body and mind. 

The clinic Davos offers 113 beds and is employer of about 250 people. To maintain the high standard as a rehabilitation clinic, Zürcher Rehazentren are also investing in the promotion and training of experts in the rehabilitative field. The clinic is thus committed to applied research to innovatively develop knowledge and skills. 

Number of employees
Focus / specialisation
Rehabilitation (internal, pulmonary, oncological, psychosomatic, musculoskeletal)
Zürcher RehaZentren Klinik Davos
Klinikstrasse 6
7272 Davos Clavadel

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